A review by cdubiel
Finding Normal: Sex, Love, and Taboo in Our Hyperconnected World by Alexa Tsoulis-Reay


I feel weird being the first person to review this, but I can't lie - I saw it pop on Edelweiss and immediately read the whole thing. I am really interested in stories about people who defy the norm, and I appreciated that Tsoulis-Reay deconstructed what normal is and why it exists. The stories in the first part are more focused on unconventional sexual relationships which are generally not considered deviant. The stories in the second part, Transgressing Normal, may be considered disturbing depending on your level of comfort with taboo sexual acts. Those who are triggered by sexual assault, incest, and content involving sex with animals should not read. These particular issues are not my triggers, yet I found myself feeling disturbed at the end of the book; Tsoulis-Reay does an amazing job of reporting on the people involved in these situations, diving deep into their personal lives with a smooth and engaging style. I think part of the discomfort stems from feeling empathy for people who perform acts that many consider unspeakable. It's a lot to struggle with, but I think it's important.