A review by wingsandfables
Marrying Christopher by Michele Paige Holmes


I thoroughly enjoyed this book. I have not read any other books from Holmes and had no idea what to expect with this. I didn't know when I started this that it was the third in a series but Holmes does an amazing job of being able to keep the reader informed and not lost when referring to characters from the first two. Although it is the third in a series, this is definitely a strong standalone on its own, although I'm sure I would've enjoyed it more had I read the first two and had been able to see the wrap-up to the series in a different light. Regardless, this book was very enjoyable for me.

Although it's written in third person point of view (which is not my favorite), the writing is very well-written and I like Holmes's descriptive writing style. I loved the characters and felt them to be very realistic and endearing. I also enjoyed the minor characters that popped up such as Mr. Vancer and Miss Thomas. I felt that they were all developed well within their roles. The settings were interesting and described well enough that I was able to picture everything without feeling overwhelmed. I love historical fiction and felt that Holmes did a very good job with keeping everything from the characters' interactions to the settings of the story and more true to the time period in which this takes place.

The plot went much different than what I expected. The entire time I thought I would just be reading of a young couple who find love in unlikely circumstances. And that is true, but there were some twists that I wasn't expecting in the least which drew me in and kept me reading until the very end of the story. Although I kind of knew and hoped how the ending would go, Holmes really kept me on the edge of my seat, wondering how anything was possibly going to work out with the twists that developed in the storyline.

Overall, this is an endearing, realistic historical read that brought much more to its storyline than I had expected. I definitely want to check out the previous two in this series and I'm sure that if I had read them before, I would have been satisfied with how these characters wrapped up.

Likes: Realistic. Endearing characters. Kept me engrossed in the plotline with the twists. Quick, easy, light read.

Dislikes: Some grammar and spelling errors. Twice I caught some of the characters' names being mixed up such as saying "Captain Cosgrove" instead of "Captain Gower," and once when Christopher's name of "Thatcher" was mixed up with Mr. Thomas's.

Recommend? Yes!

*I received this e-book for free in exchange for an honest review*