A review by blodeuedd
The Dread by Gail Z. Martin


I like her books for the simple reason that yes they are never awesome, BUT, they are never bad. They are always light and enjoyable. When I pick one up I always know I will enjoy it cos I have with all the rest. And you know, sometimes that is good enough.

Right so shit is going DOWN. Bad peeps from across the seas are coming and they are mad. And honestly, I sometimes say that oh you can read this series without reading that series that come before but with her books...eh, nah, just read all in order.

Right, so Kiara have to go and take control of her father's kingdom when he is murdered.
Tris has to save the world as a dark summoner is coming.
Oh and the baddie is coming for their baby!

Jonmarc is doing stuff, you know I never liked that guy even if the author sure loves him.

More peeps are fighting baddies.

i really like the POV with the ghost whore....right where was I, Baby S woke and now it has been a day since I started this...
Yes, the ghost whore should have had her own book.

This review makes no sense, honestly, I can not say anything without spoilers....

For me, light and enjoyable. Nothing special, nothing bad. For others, maybe not so light, I mean peeps die, but whatevs.