A review by marniemarn
Namesake by Adrienne Young


Finishing Namesake made me feel like I was saying goodbye to friends.

I didn't want this to end, I deliberately took my time in the final chapters to prolong my read, I could of happily continued reading they're stories and where they all ended up.

I loved Fable and was hesitant going into Namesake hoping it wasn't going to let Fable down, it absolutely did not.

There were points I was holding my breath not knowing how they were going to get out of situations, I was sweating at some stages, I felt ALL the emotions while reading this.

The characters were in-depth, with emotion and back stories that made you love and care for them, the friendships and relationships felt relastic, the emotions they felt weren't over the top or lack luster, it was exactly what you would expect to feel in that situation.

The complex relationship between Fable and Saint was heartbreaking, raw and beautiful, and I loved that we got to see a softer side to Saint at the end.

West is my new fictional boyfriend and I will physically fight anyone for that sweet tortured boy, he deserves to be protected at all costs!