A review by twistytalesaddict
The Boy in the Photo by Nicole Trope


This was an emotionally gripping story about the heartbreak of losing a child and the struggles that come along when he returns 6 years later.
"His father was the liar. He’d told the same lies over and over, making them part of who Daniel was until he believed everything he said. One lie on top of another, on top of another. Higher and higher went his father’s skyscraper of lies." (p279)
Greg is abusive and cruel, Megan knows she needs to divorce him for her sake and Daniel's. So she does.
One day, she goes to pick Daniel up from school, and his father has already taken him and fled.
One day, a kid shows up at the police station saying his father is dead, he died in a fire, and he is Daniel Stanthorpe.
Daniel's dad lies and is abusive and alienates him from his mother. Daniel doesn't know whether he can trust his mom or not when he returns. But the longer he stays with his mom, the more he wonders whether his dad was telling the truth or not.
Megan doesn't know what to do or how to handle Daniel since his return. He is a totally different kid, and she doesn't feel like she knows him anymore. Daniel is often angry and snaps at her, repeating what his father has told him all these years. She often thinks he sounds just like his father, and she is terrified of him at times.
The ending is jaw-dropping.