A review by jennabuythebook
The Bookstore on the Beach by Brenda Novak


Ugh, okay. Short and sweet for this one. Is it just me or are all these "on the Beach"-ish books the same? I'm all for a great beach read. And I don't mind characters who are older or younger than me as long as they are likable and engaging. Maybe it's just the women's/relationship fiction with every drama one could think of that I just can't buy into, because if you've read one, you've read them all. I don't know. All I know is this one was nothing special for me. It was entertaining but forgettable. Too much going on. Too many characters in crisis. Too many side problems to keep track of. I think I just need to steer clear of this type of book in the future. From now on, just give me allll the rom-coms with characters I can root for, love stories that mean something, and a story that actually focuses on the beach and makes me want to travel.

This just missed the mark for me.