A review by veraann
The Final Empire by Brandon Sanderson


Sanderson has a great way of building a world and characters. In the beginning I was really interested in Kelsier and follow him through the story. Vin is another main character that at first I didn't feel like I really got interested in her at all. Some things about her felt more of a tell you about her then show you about her. That got better as the book progressed. There were times when I found her a bit annoying, but I did start to like her and get interested in her as well. Sazed was pretty interesting and I kept wanting to know more about what it is that he can actually do. The Lord Ruler well how are they going to take care of that guy?
Overall a very good read. Great characters and great world. This is the second Sanderson book I have read and I think he really likes the idea of rebellions and sections of rebellion not knowing about the other sections in case they are tortured. I'm interested to see where else this story goes. It didn't feel like there was very much left open at the end of this book to continue on with.