A review by michalice
Omens by Kelley Armstrong


*2.5 stars*

I am a huge fan of Kelley Armstrong so I was beyond excited to receive a copy of Omens for review. Omens is about Olivia and how her life changes after her real identity is revealed, while the chapters are all Olivia's point of view, occasionally there are chapters from other people in the story.

It took me a while to read Omens for various reasons, I tend to struggle reading huge books, seeing the size of it and how much I have left to read puts me off sometimes, I also struggled to get into the story itself.
Omens took me nearly a week to finish, which is possible the longest its taken me to read a book ever, and even now I'm confused about what I think of it. The idea behind the story was good and I like the omens/superstitions aspect of it,

"If you wish to live and thrive,
Let the spider stay alive".

"Black cat, black cat, bring me some luck".

but sometimes I felt overwhelmed with all the information that was given and the plot sometimes got lost in it all. I also felt a bit confused and mislead, I went into Omens thinking it was a fantasy/paranormal book, yet it feels more like a mystery book than anything else.

There was obviously something there to keep me reading and wanting to know what was going to happen next. One of those things is Olivia, she is a strong and independent character. Faced with her real identity her first instinct is to get away from the life and people that she knows and away from all the publicity, this leads her to Cainsville, which definitely has a creepy too good to be true vibe, where she starts her life from scratch, finding a job and an apartment.
Some of the other characters in the book I did like, and some of them there was something about them that just didn't sit right with me, yet they all play an important role in the book to make everything work.

While I didn't love Omens, I did like it, and I am interested in seeing where this series goes from here, what happens next, and what all the gargoyles actually mean.