A review by amysofta
Blood Lust by Alexandra Ivy


Did I make it? It is still release day, I’m not too late? Life has seriously got to stop getting in the way of my reading…. I started this book last week thinking I would have plenty of time to get it read before today and then life happen, or rather my husband had four days off work. Anyway, I told him that today I HAD to get this book read, not only was it release day, I really wanted to find out what happen. So I shut myself into a room, put in ear plugs and binge read 200 pages of this book, and it was so worth it!

I swear this series keeps getting better! I was so hoping that Bas’s story would be up next and it was, so yay! Now if Ms. Ivy could deliver us Wolfe’s tale I would be one happy reader. Finger’s crossed (although I think she is already setting that up). I almost feel like I am betraying my vampire devotion when I continue to claim that I like this series better than her paranormal one based on vamps. There is just something about these High-Bloods that clicks for me. Maybe there are fewer Supernatural species then there were Paranormal ones in the other series. I just can’t put my finger on it exactly, but there is something about this series that makes me love it more. One characteristic I do appreciate staying true though is Ms. Ivy’s choice of settings. I love that most of her books take place in the Mid-West. It makes sense, being the author is from the central part of the country, but also living here I love reading stories set in locations I am familiar with. Of course, she does manage to sweep us away to exotic locals as part of this story also takes place in France, but the heart of this world is based here.

This book is a continuation from number two in the series and while it could be read on its own I do feel reading them in order will lead to a richer reading experience. At least read book number two before this one as there is some continuation of story arch between the two. Bas was featured as a “Bad Guy” in book two and in this story we get to see the other side of him and learn about his brief history with the mother of his child, Myst. There is some serious chemistry between these two and I spent the entire book rooting for these two to figure things out. Of course, we get to learn what has kept them apart and more about the High-Blood society as well. By this time though we have a pretty good understanding of how things work and we were able to delve more into the history of the two characters and the setting up of the (hopefully) next pair of heroes Wolfe and Lana.

Much of the plot of this story centered around Molly, their daughter, as it should have, but I really appreciated how Molly was sent to be protected at Valhalla for safe keeping for much of the story. I’m not much of a kid person, so while I did like Molly I didn’t want to read pages upon pages of interaction with her. Although as someone who lost her mother at a young age my heart did go out to Molly for simply wanting her mother to be a part of her life. I would have given anything to have been able to mentally stay in touch with mine like this character could.

This addition to the Sentinel series was great, totally worked for me and left me wanting the next book. Bas and Myst were a great match, the story moved at a good pace and had a nice blend of action, humor, drama and just a touch of steam.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher through Net Galley for and honest review.