A review by strangebrewreviews
A World Full of Spooky Stories: 50 Tales to Make Your Spine Tingle by Angela McAllister


I received an advance review copy for free from NetGalley.

This book wasn't quite what I expected. I suppose if I would've read the synopsis in more detail, I would've known it wasn't the author writing these stories, rather the translation of stories from all over the world. A few of the stories like Hansel and Gretel and Little Red Riding Hood, I know well and grew up on. The others not so much. It was fun to read stories I've never heard from different parts of the country. I wouldn't call them "spooky," its more of a collection of fairy tale type stories than actual scary stories for kids. Nothing was over-the-top and if your child is a fan of fairy tales, they'll certainly love these.