A review by rarchar
The Stonewall Brigade by James I. Robertson


Great read! Robertson is such a great writer. Here he provides a great look at what was going on with the men in the Stonewall Brigade throughout the entire Civil War, including the time following Jackson's death. I decided to read this out of curiosity. What happened to the Stonewall Brigade after Jackson died? Robertson covered those years very well.

I enjoyed seeing the war in the way that the soldiers did, and hearing the incidents that occurred in the troops was usually very funny or gruesome. For example, one man wrote that after a shell exploded near him, he heard a man cry, "Oh Lord! Have mercy upon me! have mercy upon me!" The man lying beside him yelled, "Me, too, Lord! Me, too, Lord!"

I did my English 9 Honors project on Stonewall Jackson, so I read Robertson's biography on him before reading this. That gave me a ton of necessary background information so that this could make more sense, although this book that focused specifically on the Stonewall Brigade helped me to see more what the Stonewall Brigade did rather than the divisions that Jackson commanded. Though this was great, I do not think it could stand alone. I would recommend a general reading of the different battles in which the Stonewall Brigade participated, because without understanding what was happening in other areas, it is hard to know what exactly was going on in the battle as a whole. For this purpose for me, I was satisfied that the Stonewall Brigade was the focus of each battle, since that is the purpose of the book. Just be expecting that if you decide to read!