A review by ohleeveeah
Always a Bridesmaid by Cindi Madsen


I really enjoyed this one!

There were a few issues that are stopping me from giving this more stars, but I can't deny that I liked it.

1. GOOD: I totally felt for Violet for being strung along for so long by her ex. I can't even what she must've felt about her then-boyfriend making her false promises for so long. But that's what love can do, even if it's not true love; a pinch of love can make people endure many things.

2. GOOD: I loved how pretty much all the characters were exactly who they were and not afraid to show it. I don't think there was a single time where one of them lied about who they were. Sure, there was some calculations of WHEN to show certain aspects of their personalities - but we all do that.

3. BAD: For having been in a
10 year
relationship, and though they did talk about her ex lying about his attentions, there was absolutely no mention of the length of that relationship to the other characters. I just feel like if she had explicitly said she was with her ex for that specific amount of time, it would've helped the others to fully understand the extent of her expectations.

4: BAD: I know I said I loved how the characters were shamelessly themselves, but I don't think their personalities and lifestyles were really compatible. I know, I know, the whole 'opposites attract' theory is popular, but I just don't feel like there was enough meshing of their lives or any talk. And while I'm writing this right now, I realize that their lives weren't very different...SO HOW DID I FEEL THAT THEY WERE COMPLETE OPPOSITES?!

5. BAD:
Though I am super happy they DID end up together at the end, I just don't think that, realistically, people would forgive someone for what Ford said. I can't put any blame on Violet because her saying he was a playboy and all that was information that he willing gave and that everyone knew about. But for Ford to have said the things he did about her being crazy, unstable,, how he 'should've know better', etc. WHAT?! No one can tell me that to my face and be forgiven by giving some flowers and telling me they love me.

6. I LOVED Ford's overall personality, but I often found myself thinking he was an asshole. Like, i understand he has family issues, but he repeatedly
thought Violet was obsessed and crazy, was stringing her along while actively telling himself he was never going to settle down and knowing that's exactly what Violet wanted.
I loved Ford, his selfless jobs, his vulnerabilities and his goofy sides, but I grew frustrated with him often.

If you're not one to get hung up on small details, I totally recommend this book. It's funny and sweet. But if you do notice small details like me, just don't expect this to be the best book you're ever read.