A review by labunnywtf
Rant by Chuck Palahniuk


After Choke I said I was never going to read another Palahniuk book. But Fenie talked me into this one. I read four chapters while sitting in an adorable library in New York, and now I'm finishing it.

8-24 - Alright, my mind is officially fucked. I don't think I even understood what the hell happened in the last 40 pages or so.

This made up for Choke, by a long run. But I'm starting to wonder if the only reason I liked Fight Club is because I already had a general idea of what I was getting into because of the movie. The frenetic pace and total schizophrenic writing was so enjoyable, but would I have liked it if I didn't understand based on the movie?


Still not sure I'll read more Palahniuk books. But at least now I'm not ready to burn them.