A review by raven168
A Gate of Night by Bella Forrest


3.5 stars
Hands down, my favorite book of the series so far.

Derek and Sophia have left The Shade and are enjoying their honeymoon. The sun, the fun, and each other. Their joy is brought to an abrupt end when Kiev and Clara show up to take them. When Sophia comes to, she finds herself in a dungeon but not alone. She's worried about what has happened and soon finds out when Kiev brings him back to her...after hours of torture. For Derek, who has been a vampire for centuries, the pain is almost unbearable. Even the gentlest of kisses from Sophia sends pain shooting thru his body. It doesn't take long for Kiev to come back for Sophia, and while she's gone Derek gets a visitor himself.

This person is one of the most powerful witches alive and she has come for Derek in order to teach him how to control the power that has been suppressed while he was a vampire. When Cora put him to sleep she weaved this into her spell, and it just grew and grew. Now that he's human he can use it. The problem is that it's too strong and he has to be calm to control it. Something impossible without Sophia by his side. Unfortunately, none of them will listen to him about that.

Sophia on the other hand is still trapped at the Blood Keep. She finds out she's pregnant and with what, making each day without Derek by her side harder and harder. She only has Kiev and her servant as company, but one day she manages to convince Kiev that Eli would be a great help with her pregnancy. Kiev is someone that Sophia just can't figure out because he can he can gentle with her one moment and the next cruel. His mood swings are epic and she wisely fears him even when he's being nice to her. Though she is only allowed to spend time with Eli when Kiev permits it, Sophia basks in the company he provides her. As well as the hope he gives her for escape. The longer she is stuck there, the darker her thoughts become and she fears she is loosing her own light. Especially after a horrifying visit from the Elder.

While Derek and Sophia are each being held captive, The Shade has been in upheaval. As if tensions weren't high enough between the hunters and the vampires, it only gets worse. Just when Vivienne has gotten a piece of herself back and is ready to take control, she finds herself backed into a corner on what to do when given an ultimatum. Her choice has a terrible outcome, though to be honest it would have happened anyway, and we find The Shade being quickly taken over by more Elders. The original vampires who delight in the suffering of others.

As soon as things start looking up at the end, all that hope is immediately destroyed. Derek suffers one crippling loss right after another and we finish with something thought impossible happening as payment for another's actions.