A review by artie_miss_daye
My Heart's in the Highlands by Amy Hoff


My Heart's in the Highlands is about a Victorian inventor, Jane Crichton. She invents a time machine and on her first long trip, goes back in time to the 13th century. Her machine crash lands and she is rescued by Ainslie nic Dòmhnaill, the daughter of Dòmhnall, who is the leader of the Domhniall clan.
Their relationship develops in such a beautiful way, I was rooting for them through the whole book. This book is full of Scottish history, and I was a little intimidated when I first started it. However, there is a short Author's Guide in the back of the book to introduce the reader to important things to know about the history and culture of Scotland. There is also a glossary and discussions of most of the chapters that go more in depth as you read. I read the book with a bookmark in the chapter discussion section and reading the discussion after each chapter helped me understand most of the things that initially flew over my head.
There wasn't one moment in the book I didn't love, and I would definitely read it over and over again. If you're looking for historical romance with queer representation, please read this one. You won't regret it.