A review by elegantfantasy_blogs
Broken by Vanessa Vale, Helen Hardt


This book was so disappointing and I don't understand how has it gotten so many good ratings. I wasn't aware that it is part of a series so I'm guessing that it's connected to a mysterious crime that took place in this town. I didn't really feel the chemistry between Chance & Avery. They got together very easily and there wasn't much of angst like I expected there to be. Chance should've been more pissed considering A very hid his son from him for fourteen freaking years all because of a silly misunderstanding. Avery was so frustrating and had so many chances of telling Chance the truth but she chose to run away like a coward and kept him in the dark until the very end. Her mother was another vile and selfish character and I couldn't understand how they still let her be a part of their lives when she and Chance's father were solely responsible for their separation. I felt so angry when she did not face any consequences, especially when she was telling Chance the half baked truth when their son was in the hospital. Every character was superficial and I could not feel the bond between any of them. Also the mystery regarding the killer was handled so lightly and by that time, I was bored by the plot so I started to skip some paragraphs which is why the identity of the culprit hit me out of nowhere. The plot has lots of potential but the execution was very poor tbh. Do not waste your time on it if you are looking for a serious and complex thriller to read.