A review by jl27
Nowhere for Very Long: The Unexpected Road to an Unconventional Life by Brianna Madia


Brianna has captivated me with her writing well before she could proudly call herself a published author. I can't exactly remember how or when I started following her on the 'gram, but it's been years. Long enough to know pieces of most of what she gives us in this book. She just tells her stories well.

So well, in fact, that, as it turned out, she felt she had to tell other stories to get her through her own hellish occurrences, until she was able to return to herself, and get her own truths out. These are truths that I never have held against this seemingly kindred spirit and beautifully broken person who I don't know. However, they are truths for which a contingent of people have basically tried to have her burned at the social media stake at every turn, for a long time now. They've infiltrated all sorts of weird internet corners trying to take her down. They're deeply rooted in their displaced convictions, so it was no surprise seeing their fabricated views here in the form of GR reviews before the book ever was published. Lack of surprise didn't make it any less of a weird reminder that people just can be so small-minded at times.

Apologies for that digression; but it is part of the story.

Essentially: whether you actually know Brianna personally, or just feel like you do because she's put so much of herself out there into the world, or because you share her love the desert and wild places, and/or your dogs are your world, and/or you are learning to take alone-ness and make it your comfort zone, you'll likely enjoy this beautifully written collection of bits and bobs about her life. I gave it five stars for the writing alone, but I also believe in and support women like Brianna, who are trying to find their way and grow, and are willing to put themselves out there to the world as part of their growth process.

Kudos, Brianna.