A review by bethgiven
I Love You, Ronnie by Nancy Reagan


Ronald Reagan: actor, California governor, president … romantic?? I never realized it before, but it would seem that our fortieth president had the heart of a poet.

This slim volume — many of its 189 pages are filled with handwritten copies of Reagan’s notes or photos of him and Nancy together — is a heartwarming read. Reagan was certainly a clever, creative writer, and his devotion to Nancy is sweet and admirable. The letter on the dust jacket, written to Nancy on their anniversary, is a fine example of his make-you-swoon writing:

My Darling,

This is really just an in-between day. It is a day on which I love you three hundred and sixty-five days more than I did a year ago and three hundred and sixty-five days less than I will a year from now.

But I wonder how I lived at all for all the three hundred and sixty-fives before I met you.

All my love,

Your Husband

Let’s say it together now: *awwww!* I loved reading these sweet letters, full of gentle humor, wit, and true love.

The book wasn’t perfect. There were times when I felt like the narrative was a little too pieced-together, trying to weave the letters in to one another, which felt cumbersome … and then there were times that I felt like I was missing some inside joke (which would, I think, be inevitable in reading the letters between a couple who’d been together so long).

But, on the whole, I found the book both appealing to the historian in me (and, given the changes happening in the White House right now, I found this book even more interesting than I would have otherwise) and the romantic side. Definitely a pleasant read.