A review by sshabein
The Last Party: Studio 54, Disco, and the Culture of the Night by Anthony Haden-Guest


I got this book from Net Galley, and I'm not sure if it was an e-ARC or what, but there are a lot of typos throughout. I haven't seen the finished edition, but it's worth noting.

Besides that, this is an interesting journey through New York nightlife from the late 60s to the mid-90s, primarily centered around Studio 54 (understandable, considering their massive presence for a long time and how they changed things), but there are lots of interviews and a handy "Cast of Characters" at the back of the book because there are a LOT of names to keep track of. Maybe there are no earthshattering revelations to people who lived through the time, but for someone who was only a teenager binging on Behind The Music episodes and such about this time, it's a fascinating book.