A review by nelljustice
Dark Queen by Faith Hunter


I love Jane Yellowrock. I love the whole of Clan Yellowrock. Every last one of them. Not Leo, though. Well, maybe Leo a little bit. There is no graphic sex and very little cussing since Jane doesn’t allow it. There is plenty of blood and death because without that, there would be no vampires. There is a satisfying ending, though it’s not the end of the series. I have to tell you, without a lie, I cried. The sad lasted only a blink, so don’t let that stop anyone from reading. If you are wondering about the comment above regarding Faith Hunter is best ambush hunter, that only means that I was taken by surprise
I can tell that the series is starting it’s wind down but that does not mean there are not some spectacular action scenes and conspiracies not yet explored. Jane is again in a tight spot. So tight it’s accurate to say Rock meet hardspot. She has to think quickly because this is truly “IT”. If Leo dies, then the EV Titus gets control and it will not be an easy death. Leo is kind compared to this…this…this…butthead.
The story is not mired down by descriptions and fluff that is not necessary. It’s face paced, blow your socks off incredible. Jane didn’t laugh much in this story. The vampire duel is very serious stuff. She had a lot of work to do besides the duel though. Multitasking is obviously Jane’s forte. She has a strange man showing up to blind side her with news. Ricky Bo is around and that relationship just got far more complicated. (It pleases me that he is feeling a lot of remorse for leaving Jane.) The Younger brothers are stellar as always with Alex growing into a responsible adult more and more. Bruiser is beautiful – ‘nough said. Without spoiling anything, I can simply say this book had revelations and changes to everyone’s lives. I was blindsided more than once. Also, I swear to you, Jane makes the long game vampires play seemingly easy to figure out. She is one brilliant War Woman.