A review by birbpal
Rescue Me by Lauren Connolly


⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Stars

I had a lot of fun reading this book. Both the FMC and MMC really stood out to me as characters. And their romantic chemistry? Adorably perfect.🩷

I especially loved Paige as a FMC. She was 100% neurodivergent-coded, and I will die on this hill. Social cues and interactions went over her lovely girl head, making it hard for her to connect with others. I myself completely fell in love with her bubbly personality and passionate nature. I especially loved how unapologetically herself she was. It made me feel better about my own neurodivergency.

Dash as a MMC was also such a good character. The whole "reformed bad boy with a soft heart" thing was what initially drew me to this book. But he flipped the script on that character type. Turns out, he really isn't a bad boy. Like the pitbulls that are at his shelter, he may appear intimidating, but is anything but. Dash as a character is a sweetheart with low self-esteem. Paige brings out his confidence and pushes him to dream bigger. In turn, he helps Paige see the beauty in her uniqueness. They really just complete each other (along with Pumpkin the pittie as the cherry on top).😆🐶

What prevented me from marking this book a 5 star review was the fact that the characters were separated for the last 15% of the book because of a third-act break up. I understand that in context, the breakup was bound to happen. But I hated that the rest of the book was them not being a couple up until the last chapter and epilogue. It makes me sad that I can't enjoy my characters being happy up until the very end. 

This won't deter me from reading the next book. I am so psyched to read Cole's story! Hopefully, it lives up to Dash's and Paige's! 🐥💕