A review by pewterwolf
Spot the Difference by Juno Dawson


Review Taken From The Pewter Wolf

Avery knows what it's like to be bullied. They call her Pizza-face because of her acne. But when her doctor puts her on a trail for a clinical trail and her skin clears up, people see her. Including the "A List" - the very people who call her Pizza-face. But soon, Avery doesn't like the person she becoming...

Juno just gets what it's like to be a teen and the struggles teenagers face every day at schools. I liked how Juno tackled the issues raised in this and try to explain (in one character's case) why they do it. I also like how one character pointed our flaws, not only in the people around her, but in the schooling system - something that is rarely highlighted and should be more often.

This has a poignant message (both this and [b:Kindred Spirits|26365537|Kindred Spirits|Rainbow Rowell|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1450127643s/26365537.jpg|46367847] do, now I come to think about it) but if this story makes one reader feel less alone, then this has done its job.