A review by fabacious
Fifty Shades of Grey by E.L. James


I don't usually write reviews but when a book is really good or really bad, I may take the time to express my opinion. This book was horrible. The writing style and the storyline were terribly juvenile. As I was reading the first few chapters, I wondered if this was a story aimed at tweens and teens. Obviously it isn’t but it felt like I was reading the diary of a love crazed teenager. Being an avid reader it was painfully obvious to me that the writer is a novice. There was no character development. I found Anastasia to be boring and immature and couldn't understand what Christian found so desirable about her. In the same way, I couldn't figure out what made Christian so appealing other than being really, really, really good looking and really, really, really rich. That coupled with all the references to his wealth ( the cars, the house, the private jet and helicopter) made the story very shallow.
Christian's character being so jealous, controlling and quick to have an "itchy palm" made the relationship borderline abusive. Ana is ordered to eat all the time, needs permission to go see her mother, needs to be reachable at all times via Blackberry and e-mail and when Christian finds out she went to a bar with her friend Jose, he shoots her a wait-until-we get-home look that scares her. Are we to find this behavior ROMANTIC?!?!
At the beginning of the book, we find that Anastasia does not drink and gets very sick when she goes out drinking with her friends. And yet, less than 24 hours later she is having a glass of wine at Christian's house and then accepts another. Later in the book, she is having several cosmos poolside with her mother in Georgia.
The (many) sex scenes in the book were...meh. I've had better. Christian tells her that he doesn’t usually have vanilla sex but it seems that save a couple of times, that’s all they do have
This book had the potential to be SO much better and I wonder if an editor even read it before it was published. Needless to say I will not be reading the remaining books of the trilogy. I'm angry enough to have wasted time and money on this rubbish.
On the positive side, I've learned a good lesson. Never again will I fall prey to other's opinion and will use my Kindle’s wonderful feature of trying a book sample before buying.