A review by ameserole
Storm Surge by Naomi Lucas


Storm Surge is the second installment of the Cyborg Shifters series. It follows Stryker, who was mentioned in the first book, and Norah.

Now in the first book, Wild Blood, we hear a distress signal go off. Stryker is the one to hear, as well as Dommik, and they automatically think it's a tap. Low and behold, Stryker goes to see if it actually was one or if this girl actually needed help.

Norah, the one who made the distress signal, is trapped in her lab. She's a chemist and is working on a base when it is attacked by screechers. On top of that, there's a storm too. So she's basically shit out of luck and shit has definitely hit the fan. She doesn't think anyone will actually come to save her.. but something is better than nothing if you ask me.

In the first book, I definitely thought that whole cyborg shifting thing during romance was a bit strange.. and I definitely still thought that while reading this book. Entertaining.. but strange. Their attraction and chemistry was on fire. I honestly loved their relationship has it progressed. However, Norah sometimes annoyed the shit out of me. She would get whiney or just plain annoying. It was just in some chapters - whether it was something she said or die - and I just ended up annoyed.

Overall, it was an interesting book. Each character has been likable or lovable in their own way. I will obviously be continuing on in this series. Mostly just to find out what each cyborg really is or shifts into.