A review by nightwing
The Night Ends with Fire by K.X. Song

Did not finish book. Stopped at 20%.
Thanks to NetGalley & Berkley Publishing Group for the early copy in exchange for an honest review. Sadly, I DNF'ed at 20% of the way through.

The writing...was not so great. It was literally a copy-paste of Disney's Mulan--the animated one. There were some changes, such as the father being a jerk, but the changes felt edgy and unoriginal. I genuinely do not believe this is an adult book--this is clearly tailored for Young Adult audiences with the simplistic writing and generic plot. 

The prince who I assume is the love interest was so bizarre too--he gave up so much valuable information about royalty and behind-the-scenes stuff to a complete stranger like Meilin that it never made any sense. Who starts talking about how the royal vault was broken into and a rare jade gem stolen to a COMPLETE STRANGER? The prince is an idiot. 

Side note, I laughed my ass off at Meilin saying how her "skills with kung fu enabled me to climb the rooftop with ease". Odd statements from a bizarre protagonist would take me out so often, it was hilarious. I just imagined her karate chopping the air until she landed on the roof somehow. 

Yeah, this one is...not great.