A review by lifeinthebooklane
Taking Control by L.V. Lane


This has been sat on my kindle for far too long, and after reading [b:Omega Awakening|56196382|Omega Awakening (The Controllers, #0.5)|L.V. Lane|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1607332155l/56196382._SY75_.jpg|78789922] - written after this but set before - I knew I had to rectify that oversight. Whilst this wasn't quite at the same level as OA it was still an incredibly enjoyable read. It didn't feature as many of the dynamic traits as one would normally expect in an omegaverse - no nesting, knotting, bonds etc. - but that was due to those factors not being appropriate to the storyline.

Where this fell down a little for me, (and bear in mind I'm rating this 3.5 stars as I definitely enjoyed it), was that it focused too much on the sex/domination aspects. For me a really good omegaverse story is about more than just the sex. There are some amazing story aspects and plot devices but they were used more as a way to link sex scenes together than to move the story forward. If the author had flipped things, so that the intimate moments linked the rest of the story and enhanced rather than - no pun intended - dominated it.

If we had been given the chance to see Eloise and Logan in neutral settings, I would definitely have felt a stronger connection to them, particularly given that we only really get Eloise's point of view in the story. That said I read this in just over a day, and it only took that long because I had to go out to work! I'm also definitely going to continue reading this series.