A review by bookstobarbells
Girls Save the World in This One by Ash Parsons


This book took me forever to read because I was just not into it. I should have DNF it, but I always feel guilty quitting something I started.

Anyone who has been to a convention before can skip the first 40% of this book. It’s literally a play-by-play, moment for moment of everything being seen and described superfluously. It was slow and overdone. I didn’t feel engaged in the storyline because every two paragraphs j was getting a huge description of something that, in the end, didn’t matter.

The main character, June, annoyed me so much. She was over-the-top, while also being so boring and one dimensional. I felt like her friend, Imani, was a way better character, but we don’t get much from her except when her smarts come into play. It also felt like the first half of the book tried really hard to throw in some PC/social justice moments that felt completely forced and not authentic at all. Noting the racial dynamics is fine, but it didn’t play a role in the story at all, so why mention it just to mention it? I also felt like they were leading up to June admitting her love for Imani with how much she talked about her, but I guess I was just reading into that.

Once the zombie outbreak happens, the plot doesn’t get much more exciting. We meet the cast members, which is cool, I guess, but it doesn’t do anything to add to the book. The way they fight is fine, but it wasn’t all too exciting except for a few small parts. And then it ends out of nowhere. Like they’re just saved and that’s that! And please don’t get me started on how much of a cop-out the romance storyline is. Eye roll city.

I just really wanted so much more than this. The premise was such a great concept, but the execution was really poor in my eyes. I will not be recommending this to anyone.