A review by spiringempress
The Daughters of Salem How we sent our children to their deaths: Part 1 by Thomas Gilbert


Brutally honest, I would actually rate this particular graphic novel three and half stars but the system does not allow for that type of rating so I'll round up. Abigail Hobbs has grown up in Salem but things are changing. Her childhood friend, Peter, gives her a wooden donkey as a gift and this sets off a chain reaction. When she comes home, her stepmother confronts Abigail and forces her to see Little Mother, who proclaims that she has become a woman and must change her ways. She can no longer look at men, must wear a wimple to cover her hair and her childhood is now in the past.

However the day this happens, Abigail meets an Indian man in the woods, which is her safe haven away from the hustle and bustle of her own village. As she becomes more isolated in her town, Abigail turns to the woods and her friends to escape. Eventually, this causes the villagers to turn violent and to burn down the tavern and anything evil. My only complaint about the graphic novel is I wish the budding romance and friendship between Abigail and Mxwel had been featured more prominently and I'm hoping that the next volume will focus on this.