A review by hstapp
Delusions of Grandeur by Kevin J. Anderson


I'm rereading this so this isn't a full review, but the whole Diversity Alliance plotline really rubs me the wrong way.

The Diversity Alliance which is made up of all aliens seems to represent black people (or other minorities) who are struggling to uplift themselves and are seeking fair treatment by white people, or other oppressor's.

The book depicts them as being evil and malicious under the guise of a good cause. The humans (white people) are being well what about me as if they aren't already in power, in control.

And it honestly just feels like an attack from these white writers against POC, disparaging their movements and fights to be seen as equals. Portraying them as evil, or misguided.

Basically I think it's an awful plotline. Especially if they end up having the diversity alliance continue on under a human leader(haven't gotten that far yet, we shall see).

Humans are the people in power in the star wars galaxy. The imperials were fervently human supremacists. The alliance less so, but the people in charge are human. The main characters are largely human, and based on movies and art also largely white.

I love Star Wars but they do have a serious human problem.