A review by ashlylynne
Black Widow Vol. 3: Last Days by Nathan Edmondson


4.5/5 Stars

The final volume in the latest Black Widow series is one you won’t want to miss. Natasha wants answer and she’s got a list of whom to get them from. Will she finally get to the core of chaos or will it be too late? Can she still turn to S.H.I.E.L.D. or even The Avengers? Will she find out what happened to Isaiah?

I am so sad this was the last volume of this series! Okay, I know, I know that it has moved onto and into bigger things. I’m not sure they’re better, as I haven’t read any of where this story went yet. But, I sure loved where it ended (and started from).

I loved this series of 3 bind-ups that focused solely on Black Widow.
I love Natasha and think she is an incredibly fascinating character, so it was so cool and interesting to see more of her character away from the adventures and get a peak at what she does when she’s not saving the world.

I also very much love that Black Widow is a morally ambiguous character and still a hero. This is honestly my favorite thing about her and most likely the main reason I love her character so much. This series actually reminded me very much of Catwoman (my favorite anti-hero), and I liked that Black Widow’s character was explored in the same type of subtle yet intense way.

I really enjoyed this storyline and enjoyed the unfolding arc of this series. Edmondson’s storytelling is fluid, easy to follow, and engrossing. There was not one part of this story that I didn’t enjoy reading. I also enjoyed the cameos dropped into this volume. The few tossed in were great fun!

Phil Noto’s art is so stunning. I loved the muted colors and blurry lines. He adds a softness to an intense story. It’s very interesting to explore how the story and art come together in this comic (as well as the previous in the series) and to examine how they complement each other–perfecly, I might add. This duo clearly worked hard to bring fans a beautiful book.

There is not a thing about this story that I didn’t like. Even when there were lulls in the story, I found a beauty in them that was still present, making it impossible for me to dislike the scenes that were less action-packed.

I highly recommend this series to Marvel fans as well as Black Widow fans. This is a perfect opportunity to learn more about a character that doesn’t find herself in the limelight often. Do yourself a favor and start and finish this series.

Review originally published on my Wordpress blog Dreaming Through Literature.

Review of Black Widow, Vol. 1: The Finely Woven Thread
Review of Black Widow, Vol. 2: The Tightly Tangled Web