A review by kirstynwillis
Alienated America: Why Some Places Thrive While Others Collapse by Timothy P. Carney


Well researched book. However, it’s nearly entirely about church. I learned a lot and I’m glad I read it, although I don’t agree with his solutions around religion.
I also didn’t like how toward the end he blames the “elites” and calls them selfish for not sharing their wisdom around what it takes to be successful basically. He blames the elites for not preaching what they practice but doesn’t say anything about the so called Christians never practicing what they preach. Sovereignty a powerful thing, and it’s up to each and every one of us to educate ourselves and develop our own morale. It’s not the “elites” job to teach the working class anything. It’s our own individual responsibility to find our own moral standing.
I barely made it to the end because his only solution is to attend church. He blames the nonreligious for rural areas and the working class’s downfall, and I just can’t get onboard with that.
Maybe I’d recommend the first half of the book? But certainly not the last. So overall, no, I wouldn’t recommend.