A review by miasutton55
Writing for Bliss: A Seven-Step Plan for Telling Your Story and Transforming Your Life by Diana Raab


I am IN LOVE with this book. I don't have enough amazing words to describe the impact it had on me. Every single page held some nugget of wisdom where I nodded my head along with it, or teared up, or smiled. If you have any interest in telling your own story - in whatever form that takes - you have to read this!

I was intrigued by this book from the moment I read the blurb. Telling my own story has been something I've tried to pursue in some fashion for many years. From writing poetry, personal essays, and blog posts - writing and telling stories is in my DNA. 

In the book, Diana Raab offers seven steps for writing that include practical, actionable tips and advice on mindfulness, creativity, journaling, poetry, memories, and more. I have an electronic copy and I lost count of how many passages are electronically highlighted. Sprinkled throughout the book are writing prompts that help you explore your own story and brainstorm content. I absolutely plan to go back and re-read this book again (and again!) so that I can complete the prompts. 

What I liked best about Writing for Bliss was that it can apply to anyone who wants to write about their own life. Whether you choose to write a memoir, a poem, an essay, a journal entry - the tips for self-exploration will work in any situation. Writing can be a way to heal and to process the events (good and bad) of our lives and I think we can all benefit from it.

Raab also weaves in quotes and advice from other writers, psychologists, mindfulness experts, and more. There is a list for further reading at the end of the book that I will be exploring immediately. 

So, in short, READ THIS BOOK. Go. Read it now.