A review by annascottcross
Moonshiner's Son by Carolyn Reeder


I enjoyed this book a lot more than I had originally expected. Set during the beginning of the Prohibition in the mountains, this story tells of a rural mountain community who makes their living primarily off of moonshine. And then a preacher moves to town with his wife and daughter and starts a mission. His favorite topic, though, is the evils of liquor, which does not go over well.

I loved Amy, June, and Tom. Mrs. Taylor and Mrs. Brown were lovely as well. Preacher Taylor seemed ridiculous to me for the large majority of the book, but he ended up ok in the end.

My one complaint is that I wanted to see Tom as a grown up. I think that would have been cool to see him as the first generation of his family who didn't make moonshine for a living, and I also would have liked to see him marry Amy - especially since both Mrs. Brown and his pa told him not to marry a 'flatlander.'

While this book is 100% appropriate, there are some topics covered with the mountain community and the moonshine that need an older audience. Domestic abuse, drunkenness, and children out of wedlock are all mentioned - without details, but still.

Overall a really sweet story, slightly reminiscent of [b:Christy|229123|Christy|Catherine Marshall|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1389406901s/229123.jpg|3158544].