A review by aceinit
Hawkeye: Kate Bishop, Volume 1: Anchor Points by


Is Kate Bishop my favorite Hawkeye? Absolutely. And even though this is a fun solo series for Kate, I still miss the Kate and Clint dynamic from Fraction's amazing run.

The writing is tight, and makes Kate fun and relatable as she tries to establish herself and a new city, and build a reputation as a private investigator (and figure out if private investigators get a pass when it comes to murdering dudebro assholes who totally deserve to be. murdered). The art is a good complement to the story, and the covers are absolutely beautiful.

Thompson's stories are a huge improvement over the Lemire run, and Kate remains one of my favorite characters in Marvel. Still, I miss the days when it was the Hawkeye and Hawkeye show, and would love to see the two of them join forces again. Given the absolute mess of an event that was Civil War II, that seems unlikely. Still, there is always hope in comics.