A review by caylieratzlaff
Actually Super by Adi Alsaid


Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the eARC of this novel. 3.5/5 stars.

I really enjoyed the premise of this as Izzy leaves everything she's ever known to go search for those with super powers (and also escaping a conspiracy theorist and conservative father). The search for supers takes Izzy all over the world where she meets new people and experiences humanity. The book alternates between her trip and her two friends at their designated meeting spot a year later...where Izzy has failed to show up.

I think this book struggles, though, because it switches too much between those with super powers aren't real and they're just humans and people with legit powers. Like, I thought it was about finding the good in humanity and then all of a sudden there are legit powers that are unexplainable? It just kind of felt weird, almost.

I really did like the characters and this journey Izzy went on, though.