A review by readsinbloom
The God and the Gumiho by Sophie Kim


Even though it is only March, I think “The God and the Gumiho” might just be one of my favorite reads. “The God and the Gumiho” follows Seokga, a fallen god who has been a chance at redemption and Hani, a Gumiho who was once known as the Scarlet Fox and went on a killing rampage. In order for Seokga to regain his godliness, he must both stop an immensely dangerous creature that has been wreaking havoc in South Korea, and the Scarlet Fox who has made a sudden reappearance after a long retirement. What happens when Seokga’s new assistant is Hani, the Scarlet Fox that he is searching for?

One of the things I loved the most about this book was the relationship between Hani and Seokga. They had banter and were a very entertaining couple to read about. I appreciated that their relationship was balanced. While Seokga is a God, Hani is a powerful Gumiho that has been alive for thousands of years. It was a breath of fresh air to not read about a really old man and a teenager. Hani is also the more morally grey one of the couple. She has killed, a lot. Seokga has his own past, but he is the trickster god, and I was not under the impression that his past was filled with murder. 

Seokga and Hani’s relationship was not quick, in the terms of the page. They had to get to know one another as they went on this journey together, and they definitely did not immediately find themselves liking one another. However, in terms of the actual storyline, their relationship was quick. I found myself astounded when I found out that the majority of the events of the book took place in about a week.

There were so many little aspects of this book that I loved. All of the different incorporations of Korean mythology was well done. At first it was slightly intimidating, but I found myself quickly going along with what was happening. I would not give up early on if you find yourself struggling with this. 

I thoroughly enjoyed this book! I think this is the first ARC I find myself NEEDING a physical copy of. 

Thank you to NetGalley and Random House for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.