A review by authorvperry
The Unseelie Throne by Kathryn Ann Kingsley


A step up!

I left a review for book 2 (3 stars). And woowee this is a step up!

I still believe book 2 is meh and should have just been confined to being a few chapters for this book.

With that said, so many issues I had are corrected in this book. We begin to see character development (my biggest complaint)!! I no longer want to stab Abigail. The Unseelie Prince has more depth to his character. And, OH MY, the *betrayel*.

I really liked this book. Also, the sexy scenes- hot.

What I didn't like: the dialogue is still weird. The author writes in such beautiful prose but the dialogue doesn't fit many of the times. It should be equally as poetic- even the sexual stuff, even the humor.

Also, the story is predictable. I have predicted most of this book and the last and the last. And probably will predict the next. It takes away about half a star for me.

What the author doesn't seem to understand (at this point) is that foreshadowing should be subtle. Also, don't patronize your readers- we can read between lines. So a big oof for me. But, in the end, I rate this as 4/5. Great, unique story. Beautiful prose. Wonderful world.