A review by themorsecode
No Is Not Enough: Resisting Trump’s Shock Politics and Winning the World We Need by Naomi Klein


Klein uses the concepts from her previous books (namely branding, the use of disasters to push through unpalatable agendas and climate change) to needle into Trump, examining his modus operandi and how how the conditions appeared for him to be President.

It works really well and I agree with her central statements that Trump is a symptom of our broken system (which she constantly eviscerates - along with Clinton's/Centrists woeful attempts to offer anything other a than the status quo) and figuratively cutting off his head through impeachment etc will just lead to another (probably less orange) one emerging. Although he should still be called out and protested against, more time and energy needs to be ploughed into more general, progressive and community based programs to try to forge an image of a new future.

Although too recent for her book to mention, Labour's recent success with a manifesto that doesn't sing from the usual neo-liberal hymnsheet and presents a politics of hope shows that more progressive ideas, often seen as political suicide, are actually popular and well received by the public when given a fair hearing. Klein's book is recommended reading if you're feeling depressed by the state of things currently, times are bad but there's definitely seeds of hope.