A review by illstoptheworldandreadwithyou
The Bump by Sidney Karger


Two longtime partners travel across the country on their way to the birth of their child via surrogate. It’s supposed to be a babymoon for Wyatt and Biz, but nothing about their trip is as carefree as Biz had hoped it would be or as structured as the plans Wyatt had made for it. Through multiple detours and bumps along the way, can this couple—so excited and yet so anxious about becoming parents—weather their own doubts and issues and reconnect with each other? 
Highlights for me: 
  • Biz’s energy 
  • Biz’s exuberant and close-knit Italian family
  • The father figures
  • Matilda, the dog
  • The epilogue 

What didn’t work as well for me:
  • Despite Biz’s repeated attempts to talk openly with Wyatt, Wyatt continually avoids deep conversations or ones that would potentially include conflict. Wyatt avoids these types of conversations so much that Biz tiptoes around him regarding major things that impact their lives.
  • Wyatt understandably has issues through which he is trying to work, but he also has a tendency to make everything about himself. 
  • I would have loved to have dived deeper into any of the locations where the couple stops along the way.
  • After experiencing the road trip with them, I questioned how—especially with the stress that comes along with a baby—these two mean would successfully connect and have a healthy relationship in the future. (Thankfully the epilogue shows a happy family.)
I received an advance copy of the book from Berkley and NetGalley. All review opinions are my own.