A review by somewheregirl7
The Ghost's Child by Sonya Hartnett


Matilda, an old woman, enters her sitting room to find a mysterious young boy waiting there for her. His smoky colored eyes are familiar and though he has surprised her with his arrival, the two share tea and conversation for an afternoon.

Maddy's life unfolds in a lyrical recollection told to the young boy, swinging from scenes in the present in her sitting room back to the distant past when she was girl and first fell in love.

This is a gorgeous story that reads like a dreamy fairy-tale, a fevered fancy half glimpsed. It settles into your mind and heart and lingers there, soft and compelling. Filled with beautiful description, whimsy and an underpinning of mystery, this is a quick read that is at once light and airy and deep and thought provoking. At times you have to wonder what is real and what is made up in Maddy's mind. Was she crazy or one of those people who walks on the edge of life and world, seeing the impossible? In the end it doesn't really matter because the basic story is heartfelt and bittersweet. It will stay with you long after you close the last page.