A review by happytaurus
Dog Days by Jeff Kinney


Diary of a Wimpy Kid Challenge

Book 4/16

This was honestly such a blast to read. The book is jam-packed with so many funny scenes. In my opinion, this book works for two related reasons:

1. The main setting is NOT school
2. Rowley isn’t AS prominent in this book

Addressing reason 1: for anything whether it’s books or tv, if you have a setting there’s ultimately going to become a limited amount of things you can do within that setting and for things to still be interesting. Some people (me) prefer the seasons of NBC’s “Community” where the main setting is the community college. Other people prefer the “remote” episodes where the study group is far beyond the community college. In this case with wimpy kid, while I can still find enjoyment in school scenes, having the school removed forces the author to think of ways to make the book still interesting without one of its main supporting aspects. Here, instead of school, we follow Greg and his family throughout their summer adventures and misadventures. Perhaps my favorite part of this series is the chaotic Heffley family dynamic. I love to see the interactions between Greg and his dad and Rodrick and his mom. It’s also fun to laugh at Greg when he has a misstep because he’s literally a bad person, a bad friend — leading me to my next point.

Addressing reason 2: Greg is not nice to Rowley. They are supposedly best friends and always, somehow, see it through after a big conflict. But because of the lack of Rowley here, the reader doesn’t have to endure, or at least read, about their toxic friendship — and that’s refreshing.