A review by sarareadsromance
Tempted to Kiss by W. Winters


Willow freaking Winters!! Do you enjoy putting me through the wringer? Ughh!

A mess, this book made me a complete and total mess. The emotional turmoil I went through while reading this book is abundant. I truly don’t know how I survived while reading. Just when I would start a new chapter or scene and thought to myself “Okay, okay. This is going to be the worst of it.” But by the end of the next chapter or scene I am even more surprised at what we are learning.

I absolutely question my ability to read when I’m reading something by Willow Winters. No matter how many times I read a book by her I’m surprised every time how fast I can zip through them. Did I suspect some things? Yes. But did I actually think some of my predictions were going to come true?? HELL NO. But here we are and here I am sitting dumbfounded in my bed trying my best to put my thoughts down while still in shock. Overall, I can’t. I just can’t see where the plot is going. I can’t predict it and I love it. I have NO clue what is going to happen in the final book. I don’t know what to think, what to believe, who to trust. WHAT is going on?? And that ending