A review by vulpixie
The Conjurer by Luanne G. Smith


This is book 3 in the Vine Witch series by Luanne G. Smith. This was by far my least favourite of the three.

This one in the series follows the final member of our triumvirate, Sidra the Jinni. It was very interesting to hear about more of her back story, and exactly how she came to be bound etc. I just wish it hadn't felt so hard to get through. At points it felt like I was trying to pull myself through treacle to read the page.

I love Luanne's writing style, and I love the world that she has created with the 3 characters, which is why this book garners a 3 star rating from me. I didn't like the antagonist, and found him to be very two dimensional. The "twist" wasn't really a twist either, and the whole plot seemed a convenient coincidence.

I'm glad the trilogy is done and I'm glad I read it, but I couldn't do it again.