A review by phuong
More Than Enough by Jay McLean


Unpopular opinion:

I struggled with this book so much. But I would say that to every book that came after [b:More Than Forever|18628601|More Than Forever (More Than, #4)|Jay McLean|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1398578431s/18628601.jpg|26419682]. Honestly, I only read this book, because I missed Lucy & Cameron so much and wanted to catch up with the gang, therefore my expectations weren't too high to begin with. The book itself is not even bad, but I think I'm just done with all the drama and sad background stories. Even though I love the series, each book gets sadder and sadder and now it feels like a competition of who delivers the most heartbreaking story. Can't they be happy for once in their life?

This quote from the book best describes my feeling reading 'More Than Enough':
I’m sick of crying.
I’m sick of wiping away the tears.
I’m sick of hurting.
I’m sick of not finding a solution to the pain.
I’m sick of all of it.

Part I: The Falling

I didn't really connect with Dylan or Riley, mainly because we don't know a lot about Dylan from the previous book. He is more the broody-quiet type of guy who is part of a group, but more in the background watching. Riley is a new character we haven't met and Dylan's neighbor. So in Part I, we get to know Riley better and why she is the way she is now,
hiding in her room and drinking all day long
. Dylan is home from the marines for a while and wants to help Riley because he feels a connection to her. Not much is happening in that part expect Dylan visiting Riley every day, sleeping in her bed and watching her. We see some funny scenes with the gang which I really loved! Lucy & Cam are still crazy as ever and their scenes were always hilarious (where is their second book as a married couple?). The first half of the book wasn't too bad, I didn't care too much about Dylan & Riley's romance but didn't feel the need to DNF the book. Therefore, I would give it 3 solid stars.

Part II: The Breaking

That was the turning point when the book didn't work for me. Dylan came home again after
his best friend and teammate Dave committed suicide.
He's feeling angry, mad and is pushing Riley away. I do understand that he is grieving, but the way he treated Riley? I'm sorry but I got so angry and pissed at him. Riley was always the supportive girlfriend, waiting for him at home while he was serving the country. She did not deserve to be treated like that. Maybe because I didn't connect with Dylan, every mean thing he did pissed me off so much. After a while, I got super angry with Riley as well because she was not standing up for herself and let Dylan get away with everything. I was skipping a lot of their scenes together because I couldn't read it without throwing my kindle across the room. Not going to lie, I only pushed through the book because of the scenes with the gang. Those scenes were the only bright spots in Part II and made me smile. Urg I'm sorry but I'm not done with my rant.. there were so many things that annoyed me. Why did Riley forgive him so easily? He was pushing her away because he didn't know how to deal with the anger and grief and wanted her to hate him, which didn't work out cause she actually understood what he was going through. But I did not. I needed a lot more groveling. I would give Part II 1 star, it was really bad. Luckily Part II wasn't as long as Part I, therefore this book still gets an overall 2 stars.