A review by bellebookcorner
Zero Repeat Forever by G.S. Prendergast


I never expect this book to break my heart so much and crying in the middle of the night!

This is the first time I'm reading an apocalyptic books although I've watch several movies about the apocalypse, like from the zombies or aliens.

The plot is very well written in detail with diverse characters in it. The world building also feels real to me like what will happen to Earth if the end of the world happen. No electricity means no lights and no signal which means you're on your own to survive.

I have to warn you that the pacing of this book is very slow in the beginning before our two main characters finally meet. Strangely I didn't mind that since I was so invested with the story, how the humans are trying to survive in this shocking situation.
After our two main characters meet and stuck together, things started to change and get more interesting.

Dual POV from a human and the alien brings out a different perspective in how they see the invasion.
From Raven's POV we can see how the humans trying to survive and when sacrifices has to be made.
However, I didn't really like the way Raven treated Eighth in some part of the story because it feels like she was using him most of the time, got angry with him but needed him too.

It feels horrible if you read it from Eighth's POV. Reading his is much more mesmerizing and heart breaking too which manage to make me cry a couple times and I just wanna hug him so bad.

I really like how Raven and Eighth's relationship progress. From hate to tolerable to friends and finally something more. How Raven started to learn all the signs Eighth made to understand him more.

Eight didn't speak much and somehow he can convey his feelings even more with such simple words, for example the title of this book! I'm not gonna spoil it for you, so you need to read it to know what it means!

A lot of people has been saying this book reminds them a lot to 'The 5th Wave' but since I haven't read that I couldn't say the same.
But overall, this is an exceptional book to start a series! It was action packed and also fills with heart breaking moments at the same time.

I wasn't ready for that ending and now I have to hunt down the second book to read what happens next!!
I'm hoping to know more about the alien's part in the next book so let's hope we'll have that!

Actual rating: 4.5⭐