A review by shannonldonahueart
The Swedish Prince by Karina Halle


I have never been someone who loved the books about Royals. I love a good fantasy, but a Royal just always seemed way too far to reach for even in reading. Of course Harry and Meghan have changed that. Just like I was totally enamored with the Royal Wedding I was enamored with the characters in this book.
The hero Viktor is complex and flawed, like all the best heroes are. It would be easy to fall back on the fact that he is royal, rich, good looking and make those his most compelling personality traits. I have certainly read my share of those books. But our Prince here is so much more than all of those things. Karina Hale does an amazing job of humanizing this royal and making you understand the life he is living and what makes it so hard. In this trope (royals) I often find myself mumbling "pooor little rich boy", But that wasnt the case here at all. I really enjoyed getting to know him and rooting for him.

Maggie is wonderful. She is strong and scared and doing the best that she can in a completely shit situation. I really really loved her and rooted for her from the very first page. I wont spoil things here but the beginning of the book starts with you getting to know her just a little, then something happens and she is thrown into a completely different situation. In doing that you learn so much about her as a character. As you move through her life with her it becomes 100% easy to see how Viktor can fall in love with her.

If you enjoyed the movie The Prince and Me but wanted a bit more from it then you will ADORE this book! I did!