A review by teereader
Five by Paulina Ian-Kane


Gabriel/ Core Identity  Bezaliel/ Alter 
Control. Gabe craves it to keep his urges under in check. Bez being Gabe’s alter is appropriate… he is the opposite to Gabe’s core identity is every way. Bez is sarcastic, funny, snarky and most of all impulsive. Bez’s temper is unmatched, it doesn’t come out often only when Gabe is threatened, or at least that was the case until Lori came along. As soon as they laid their eyes on him Bez knew Lori was his and he was determined to get his man, even if it meant fighting Gabe and his damned control! Gabe only lets Bez out to play here and there, Bez happy to take the back seat but he has found himself wanting to be seen and heard a lot more since they found Lori. Bez adores the little wasp and his antics. He encourages Lori’s bad side, his mischievousness, his naughty personality, he revels in it. 

Fiercely independent, he has only relied on himself for years so when put in a situation where he has to rely on a man that irks him so much leaves Lori dumbfounded. He hates Gabriel from the first moment he sees him, Gabe is gorgeous and cold. Not a flicker of emotion, nothing gets to him no matter how hard Lori tries to elicits a reaction from Gabe by pulling all sorts of shenanigans. The more time they spend together the more Lori is intrigued, finding out Gabe had a snarky, possessive alpha alter made complete sense. Lori didn’t question it finding out the gorgeous man was actually 2 men in one body was perfect. Between the both of them they gave Lori everything he wanted and always dreamed of. 

Lori’s acceptance of Gabe and Bez’s multiplicity was beautiful to read, The vulnerability Gabe shows Lori was a massive milestone in the book and it was heartbreaking to witness this man who always has to be in control just to function on a daily basis break down unsure of what he needs, but Lori was right a confident spitfire, knowing his men where struggling and he knew he was going to leave no matter how much they try to push him away. Lori show Gabe and Bez what it’s like to rely on someone, to lean on someone, to share the burden of life with. Gave and Bez no longer have to struggle alone they have their perfect man. I love how Lori can distinct between Gabe and Bez.