A review by margaretkearney
After the Golden Age by Carrie Vaughn


About a year or so ago Nathan Fillion recommended this book on twitter and being a die-hard fan I put it on my to-read list.I finally bought it last month and read it this week.Thank you Mr Fillion.I loved this book.Its fun,well-written with a brilliant plot and great characters.It centers on Celia,a normal forensic account who also happens the daughter of Commercial City's richest society couple who als happen to be the unmasked leaders of a group of superheroes that protect the city from supervillians.It deals with what its like to grow up with superhero parents,constantly being kidnapped and trying to find your own way.Theres a supervillian with a master plan,a complicated romance,family drama and a few twists.I can completely recommend this book to others (in fact I have) and I will definitely be reading more by this author.Nathan Fillion also recommended Ex-Heroes which I will also be reading.