A review by emilyctrigg
I Am Margaret Moore by Hannah Capin



Thanks to NetGalley for sending me an advanced copy of this title in exchange for an honest review.

I Am Margaret Moore is a book about a girl who lives for the summers where she can go to camp and prove who she really is. Margaret loves nothing more than the girls who live with her in bunk 5.... except for the one summer where she chooses a boy over her best friends. That summer, something happened. But no one is talking about it-- especially not Margaret's friends or that boy whom she refuses to name.

I knew this book was going to be weird. I had previously read Hannah Capin's book Foul is Fair and adored it. This book does have some similarities. Both are about female empowerment, revenge, and friendship. Both have supernatural elements and a train-of-consciousness type of style. However, I have to say that I think FiF was executed much better than this title. The style of writing, while appropriate for the story, came across much more repetitive and overdone than it did in FiF. I wish the second half of the story had been a bit shorter (thus, less repetitive)-- I think it could have made a *SUPERB* short story/novella vs a full length novel.

That being said, I did genuinely enjoy this title and will continue to pick up Hannah Capin's books in the future. I will also be purchasing my own copy of this book for my personal library. This just wasn't my favorite HC book of all time.