A review by taintedtea
Kingdom of Ice and Bone by Jill Criswell


***I received an uncorrected proof of this ebook from netgalley in exchange for an honest review***


I did not enjoy this volume as much as the first. It felt like a book-length interlude that could have easily been cut to a novella. The action-packed plot from book one was lacking here. There were action scenes, but there were SO many dream-sequence scenes cutting them up.

The main characters spent the majority of the book apart, only to have a momentary reunion that felt so pointless. I wanted to see more of their relationship development in this book, and there was almost none.

The interactions between Lira and the character she spent most of the book with made me feel extremely uncomfortable. That was the point of them, but I honestly just wanted to shower off the yuck. I did not like certain decisions Lira made towards the end of the book. I hate memory-erasure as a plot point, just as I hate rape as a plot point. Both violations of different types and, frankly, I am sick to death of reading about them.

I do plan on reading book 3, and I'm really hoping it will turn around my opinions of this trilogy as a whole.